The New Engine - Part 3 - 04/19/2009
The engine is making progress, so now is time to clean off and paint some key parts. Also, time to remove the transmission from the car and get it dropped off at Walt-Bilt for a rebuild.
Intake is cleaned and painted.
Valley pan after spending many hours being cleaned.
Valve covers are cleaned and painted.
Timing cover is prep'd and ready for installation. The engine kit includes new rubber seals for the water passages.
Since the lift is busy today on a paying job, we get to do this the old fashioned way! At least we have a concrete slab to work from...
Many parts are unbolted and ready to remove. The shifter arm is stuck and doesn't move...
Car in the air!
Gooey. Transmission comes out. It's full of fluid, which smells pretty burned...
And we drain it for it's trip to the shop!
Pretty simple job really, most of the bolts were not rusty or stuck and everything came out nicely.
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Last updated April 20th, 2009