The New Engine - Part 9 - 05/18-22/2009
Engine is in the car, but the work doesn't end there. I have to put it all back together and make it run.
Driveshaft and speedometer cable are installed.
Backdrive linkage and shifter cable are installed.
Wires and tubes are installed everywhere.
Pulleys are installed and lined up to verify they are straight and true.
Radiator from Ecology is installed in the brand new shroud from Ames.
Ready to install the radiator in. The transmission cooling lines are bent up because they were flopping in the wind for who knows how long and were a bear to get back in. On a B-body, the lines run ABOVE the motor mount along the exhaust manifold. On the F-body, the lines run BELOW the motor mount along the block. And they take about 5 minutes to install right by the oil filter if you know where to snake them.
Radiator is in and it's a perfect fit. New molded hose from CarQuest DOES contain anti-collapse spring inside (take that NAPA with your "ours is superiorly designed and doesn't need one!" attitude).
Fuel lines and filter are installed. I dislike the way it has to run, but all of the fuel pumps I've looked at have the bend out towards the engine and not out towards the line. It doesn't kink, which is good.
Starter installed and dustcover for transmission installed as well.
Everything is installed and we get it to run! I like the positive cable is made from 2 gauge battery cable.
Hard to tell from the photo but the gauges indicate 180°F and 45psi of oil pressure at idle.
Tachometer even works. Around 900RPM.
Steve had said "we should probably check these" to which I responded "eh, if they leak we'll change them then" and surprise surprise, they did leak. Badly. Rotten nasty hose that turned into tar. New hose fixed that right up.
I drove it off of the lift! Yay! Brakes are scary bad as they need to be bled, so we'll save the initial trip for when I can get someone to follow me in a spotter car...
Engine all installed and ready to go. Needs some carb work as it is tuned for the test stand, which is a no-load environment and now it has a drivetrain to worry about moving. It also smells bad too and burns your eyes, but that could be because of the ancient pellet converter still on it. The compressor looks funny because the bracket for the block mount is the wrong one. It sticks out too far and won't let the remaining bolts mount up. Need to track down the right one (again). Also need an air cleaner base for the car, so it ANYONE out there has a 1973-1979 Pontiac v8 air cleaner base they want to part with, I'll be your friend and pay you well.
MOV02616.MPG - 0:10 - Idling well
MOV02616.MPG - 0:05 - More idling well
The hard work has been done! Now it's time to fine tune it and get it on the road to work out any kinks or bugs in the system! It may look simple, but this has been the result of 11 hours over 3 days to get here.
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Last updated May 22nd, 2009