The Shaggin' Wagon

The Ho Mobile - me

The Shaggin' Wagon - me

Migration Station' - me

The Family Truckster - Lisa

  The Death Trap - Lisa's mom

"Another f#%$ed up car" - Monty

This car belonged to Lisa's grandmother Ruth.  I tried to buy it a few years ago but she wanted an insane amount of money.  I said no way and laughed.  It was sold to various junkies who never paid a dime for it over the next two years (Ruth's daughter Denise is a drug addict and everyone but Ruth knows it, hence the name "Ho Mobile" as Denise attempted to drive it around for a while).  On May 30th she gives it to me for free (good things do come to those who wait... I guess).  Ah well.  I now have a station wagon to haul parts around town in and get me from point A to B while the Lemans undergoes a 400\455 transplant.

"That car cost me $4,500 in 1994!" - Lisa's grandmother explaining why she wanted $3000 for a car that didn't go into gear properly.

A 1990 Olds 88 Custom Cruiser.  With every power option imaginable at the time.  Surprisingly most still work.  The rear door does not open right now, and that is probably priority number one.  The engine runs like crap, but probably just needs some TLC (migrant workers who can't speak English tend to not be the best caretakers of these cars).  The transmission doesn't go into gears 3 and up, hopefully a tranny flush and service will fix that.  In the meantime, it sits in the driveway.  Maybe one day it will actually be reliable transportation.

Page 1 - August 9th, 2002 *NEW*


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Last updated June 23rd, 2002 at 11:32PM.