August 25, 2001 - Carburetor Removal And Inspection

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The time has come to remove the carburetor and see if I can't fix it up and maybe even get this car to start.

Task #1 - Make notes of where everything goes.  In this case it was a matter of taking pictures and begin asking others as not a single hose on this carb is hooked up.  Not a one.  Looks like someone tried to remove it at one time and just threw it back on at a later time without thinking much about it.

Task #2 - Take inventory of what we have after carb is off intake.

Looks pretty nasty.  Rather rusty.  All the hose inlets are too.  Not looking great so far.

Task #3 - Verify that things actually function like I would think they would.  Since I have no clue on how a q-jet should function, this is merely guesswork and conjecture.

Well, three out of the four valves open and close.  The bottom ones don't really like to move, and one doesn't even try.  Should it?  Well I would assume so since we do have two holes in the intake for them.

Task #4 - Inspect intake and see what condition it is in.

Hmm... looks pretty rusted to me.  Should it be like this?  Probably not.  Looks like it got water in there and the water sat there for a while.  I have seen a parts car with a nicer intake than this one.  How to clean it up?  Good question.



1. Carburetor looks really bad.  Can it be cleaned?  Hope so

2. Not a single hose is good.  Where do they go?  Guessing games aren't fun.

3. Carburetor does not function properly.  All the springs are rusted and cruddy and the valves don't open or close very well.

4. The intake is pretty nasty.  Can it be cleaned?  Probably.  I can probably also pull the engine too which doesn't mean I want to.

Next Plan

1. Check fuel lines and tank

2. Look into some hoses and a carburetor rebuild kit.

3. Clean up intake or see if it even can be.

Trans Am Page

Last updated August 26, 2001 at 01:18AM