Katherine's Update - 09/01/2004

Since Katherine has nothing better to do at work than surf my site, she gets her own special update today (because she requested it of course!). So Katherine, this update's for you!

Our back room. Still full of stuff that needs to go somewhere.

Our kitchen now has stuff in it (including a Lisa!).

Our broken entertainment center is a gathering place for keys, change, and odds and ends. Since the inspectors came out to verify that they did break our stuff in the move, it will likely be tossed sometime this week.

The command center begins to take shape...

Our bedroom has the most furniture in it.

Our closets. Mirror closet doors are complete crap and are on the list to be replaced.

The bathroom we don't use currently. It stores boxes. Ought to clean that out since Deborah and Bobby are coming tomorrow (doh!).

Lisa's room. More frequently referred to as "that other room with boxes in it."

The garage. Better known as loading dock, or where boxes wait to be put in the attic.

More stuff awaits to be put in the garage (boxes), sold (washer and dryer), or dismantled (broken engine).

Yay! We're getting moved in! Maybe one of these days we'll finally be done moving in and won't have any more boxes around!

You wouldn't believe the plumbing in this house. Someone drilled a hole in the copper pipe behind our shutoff valve to get a hose for the ice maker in the refrigerator. A washer and c-clamp serve as leak prevention. They then ran PLASTIC behind the STOVE and rather than using just what they needed, they bought 100ft of it and just coiled it all up in the various cabinets along the way. Ghetto.

The sinks don't fair much better. Rather than using pressure fittings, they just threaded some bolts REALLY TIGHT on the spare bathroom sink. They didn't monkey with the master bathroom (maybe something animal instinct-like about not pooping where you sleep?) but rather than replace the screen on the sink when it corroded over, they just took it off and let the water gush out uncontrollably when you turn it on. And the copper pipes are about to snap when we started to replace the shutoff valves under the sink. Add on another $80 for new faucet assembly. At least it will be fixed tomorrow.

On the brighter side, the spa guys are coming tomorrow and actually seem to give a damn about fixing the spa rather than just leaving notes saying "no money left" when they told us that we didn't need to and then being lectured about how their guys don't diagnose electrical problems and 5 minutes later in the same phone conversation reading off how the spa is only getting 110V and not 220V. So either they don't diagnose electrical problems and someone is talking out of their butt or they do diagnose electrical problems but don't fix them. Either way they don't get the job done and someone else gets to earn our money.

Last updated September 1st, 2004