And Then Progress Was Made... - 10/02/2004

Lots of furniture installation and box breaking-down has been going on lately.

Lots of boxes line the porch. They are all broken down now thanks to Dad's relentless energy.

Garage progress is being made. You can actually walk around and things are actually put up. It's a great feeling.

Lisa painted the guest bedroom olive drab. It's a quite nice color, and this room is mostly finished (except for baseboards being absent in 90% of the house).

Our dresser and TV stand has been put up. So no more living out of a box\suitcase for Lisa!

Boxes are being cleared from the living room area.

We have a little light on the record player!

Hey! A TV stand for our TV and DVD player! If only we could find the remotes...

A place for our china and dishes!

Mom painted this room as much as she could with all the stuff in it. It's a brighter orange than I remember, but Lisa likes it.

Yeah, this room needs some help. But the good thing is that it is the only room like this now.

A new desk\command center setup. Much nicer than the folding tables.

Progress is being made! It's so exciting!

Last updated October 2nd, 2004